Shipping & Protection Services
We offer full ship agency and protective agency service. Regardless kind of vessel, we are assigned to handle efficiently saving time and cost.

Custom Clearance & Forwarding Services
We have the expertise, the local know-how and resources to provide complete customs clearing & import-export cargo forwarding services, resulting in expeditious movement of shipments.

Ship charter (cargo/passenger/tanker)
We offer spot charter, time charter and trip time charter. Using our network of agents and vessel brokers WW, we can locate the right vessel and negotiate the best route and price.

Warehouse Facilities
We possess the necessary equipment, and operate many storing facilities in different locations to create a clean, safe and secured warehousing environment.

Logistic Services
We can handle your goods with expertise and excellence, and organize transport arrangements required to any destination in Libya at a competitive price.

Packing & door to door delivery
We are fully specialized and provide our customers with better packing, moving, logistic and storage services.

Bunkering & Ship Supply
Whilst in port, we are taking care of all your needs, including general supplies, mail delivery, fresh water supply and bunkering “as available” by coordinating with the relevant authorities to provide you with fuel in all Libyan ports where there is a possibility of supply.